Tuesday, 8 July 2014

The End.

So... sorry it's been a while, it has been crazy here! Today I have an important topic to reflect upon and thought it was easier to now share it on here :)

I am coming to the end of my 12 months here in Berlin. Wow. How weird that sounds! 
And this is a list of a few of the things I've learnt:

1.Germans are some of the most honest, generous, loving, creative, passionate and fiercely loyal people you will ever meet.
2. You need to get over the shock of their blunt way of communicating before you can fully understand them.
3. The German system for getting anything done is great. Until someone tries to push in front of you in the queue or cross the road on a red light. Then it doesn't work as well...
4. There's no need to be afraid of inner city children as a teacher. If they respect you, then you have nothing to fear.
5. German history is about so so so so so much more than just Hitler. It's actually fascinating.
6. The phrase 'weisst du' is the most annoying phrase in the German language. Like, ever.
7. My favourite words in the German language: Wackelpudding ('wobble pudding' = jelly), Kummerspeck ('comfort bacon' = weight gain from comfort eating), Handschuhschneeballwerfer ('someone who throws snowballs with gloves on' = a coward).
8. Children between 2-7 are incredibly capable at learning foreign languages.
9. Germans are very good at football. Like, really good.
10. Currywurst, Doener, Brezeln, Spaghettieis and Milka chocolate are the best foods ever.

Can't wait to be back in the UK but will miss it here very much!! 

So sehen sieger aus!

Alles liebe,

Louise x

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